Kukke Subramanya Temple Open Close Timings Puja Details

See below for the Kukke Subramanya Temple Open Close Timings Puja Details, Kuja Dosha Parihara Pooja, Sarpa Samskara Pooja, and Other Information Here.

The Kukke Subramanya Temple is a well-known Hindu temple that can be found in Karnataka, India. It is situated in the Western Ghats. It is devoted to Lord Subramanya, who is considered to be the lord of snakes. Lord Subramanya is the son of Lord Shiva and Lady Parvati. The temple may be found in the little town of Subramanya, which is encircled on all sides by verdant trees and rolling hills.

The temple is considered to be one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in all of South India, and each year it draws tens of thousands of visitors. One of the most well-known temples in the nation for doing the dosha parihara pooja, Kukke Subramanya is considered to be among the best. Also, the Dosha Parihar pooja will only be performed at this temple in the whole state of Karnataka since it is the only one that offers it. If a person has this Dosha, it indicates that they have a problem with their birth chart.

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Kukke Subramanya Temple Open Close Timings Puja Details and History:

The Kukke Subramanya Temple has been there since ancient times, and its history extends back to those times. According to an old myth, the gods were unable to stop the demon Tarakasura from wreaking disaster over the universe. Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati came to the conclusion that they needed a kid who would grow up to be strong enough to vanquish the evil. They carried out a yagna, and as a result, Lord Subramanya was conceived. He triumphed against Tarakasura, so preventing the end of the world as we know it.

There is a common myth that the temple was constructed on the spot where Lord Subramanya triumphed over the demon. The temple started off as a little shrine, but through time, the kings and queens of the Vijayanagara Kingdom grew it into a much larger structure. The existing construction of the temple dates back to the 16th century, although it has been the subject of several modifications and extensions throughout the course of its history.

Kukke Subramanya Temple Open Close Timings Puja Details and Darshan Timings:

Each day, darshan may be performed at the Kukke Subramanya Temple between the hours of 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM. The temple is home to a number of ceremonies and rituals that take place at various times throughout the day.

The Abhisheka Seva is the first darshan of the day, and it takes place between the hours of 6:00 and 7:00 in the morning. During this period, the idol of Lord Subramanya is given a bath with a variety of holy substances, including milk, honey, and turmeric, amongst other things. By buying a ticket, devotees have the opportunity to take part in this seva (service).

Kukke Subramanya Temple Open Close Timings Puja Details And Sarpa Samskara Pooja:

  • The Sarpa Samskara Seva is the following darshan, and it runs from seven in the morning till one in the afternoon. This seva is done to erase the effects of Sarpa Dosha, which is a bad energy that is created by the presence of snakes in one’s horoscope. This energy may be detrimental. Those devotees who are interested in participating in this seva are required to purchase a ticket in advance.
  • During the hours of 1:15 and 2:15, the Naga Prathishta Seva will be carried out. A unique puja is done as part of this seva to satisfy the Nagas, who are also known as the snake gods. Those devotees who are interested in participating in this seva are required to purchase a ticket in advance.
  • The Utsava Seva runs from seven o’clock in the evening to eight o’clock. During this particular act of service, the idol of Lord Subramanya is taken for a walk around the temple grounds. The god is able to hear the pleas of the devotees as they see them do this seva (service).
  • The Ekanta Seva is the last darshan of the day, and it takes place from 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM. At this point in the day, the temple is shut down for the day, and the god or goddess is laid to rest.
  • In addition to these types of darshans, the temple is also busy throughout the day with a number of different types of pujas and services. Those who are devoted may take part in these ceremonies by obtaining tickets in advance.

In conclusion, the Kukke Subramanya Temple is a respected Hindu pilgrimage place that is steeped in mythology and has a long history that dates back to ancient times. During the course of the day, the temple provides its devotees with a number of different chances to take part in a variety of rites and ceremonies. In the event that you want to go to the temple, it is important that you research the darshan hours in order to properly organize your trip.

“This is the Brief Information about Kukke Subramanya Temple Open Close Timings Puja Details and Details”


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