2022 Kedara Gowri Vratham Date And Time Telugu Calendar

See below for the 2022 Kedara Gowri Vratham Date And Time Telugu Calendar, Kedar Gauri Vratham 2022 Date, and Puja Muhurat Timings here.

About Kedara Gowri Vratham:

The auspicious Hindu festival of Kedara Gauri Vrat, also known as “Kedareshwar Vrata,” is observed on the ‘Amavasya’ (no moon day) amid the well-known Diwali celebrations. Lord Shiva is the object of adoration during this vrat. The Goddess Parvati was said to have followed the Kedara Gauri Vrat in order to merge with Lord Shiva, according to Hindu mythology. Kedara Gauri Vrat is observed on the Amavasya of the “Kartik” month in the northern parts of India, while it is observed on the “Ashwin” Amavasya in the other parts of the country. Initially, during the Kartik or Ashwin month, on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha (the dark fortnight of the moon), the devotees began their fast. It concluded on Amavasya at Diwali. However, in modern times, the Kedara Gauri Vrat, popularly known as “Deepavali,” is exclusively commemorated on Amavasi Day. In particular, the Southern states of India observe it with tremendous fervor and joy.

For twenty-one days beginning on Shukla Paksha Ashtami (the eighth day) in the month of Asviyaja, the Kedara Gauri Vrat is observed. The last day of the fast comes on the Amavasya of the Kartik month, which also happens to be the Diwali festival.

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2022 Kedara Gowri Vratham Date And Time Telugu Calendar

  • The Kedara Gauri Vrat will continue from Tuesday, October 4, 2022, to Monday, October 24, 2022, as indicated by the Hindu calendar.
  • On October 24, 2022, at 5:27 p.m., Amavasya Tithi will begin, and on October 25, 2022, at 4:18 p.m.

Procedure for Kedara Gowri Vratham:

In homage to Lord Shiva, the Kedara Gowri fasting is practiced. For twenty-one days, those who choose to follow this fast should abstain from food and worship Lord Shiva in honor of the Goddess Parvati. This fast starts in the middle of September, during the Tamil month of Puratasi, and finishes on the day of Diwali. Fasting for 21 days does not entail going without meals.

That is to say, it is exceptional to conclude the puja at night and eat just the foods that are offered to Lord Shiva during the Puja while also drinking water. This is in contrast to eating during the day. Sesame seeds, raisins, bananas, betel leaves, and other items that are presented to Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati should ideally be prepared one at a time each day, and the devotional service should be performed by burning an incense lamp.

  • Fasting individuals must rise early, take a bath, do their Sandhyavanthanam, and then either worship Lord Shiva at their residence or in a temple using a lingam constructed of twenty-one threads.
  • Every day, with great devotion, the devotees should tie each knot while bringing flowers and water. The highest level of maturity and commitment must be used in this.
  • The twenty-first-day bracelet is made by first removing the bracelet from the previous year and then tying the new bracelet.
  • Both the thread-made lingam and the bracelet knotted last year should be dumped into the sea. It is necessary to keep this fast for 21 years.
  • However, some people may continue to fast for the rest of their lives.
  • According to popular belief, individuals who properly follow this fast will undoubtedly enjoy a nice and excellent life, good wealth, and successful marital interventions.
  • In addition, it is thought that single women will find excellent husbands and that married women who act quickly will profit since it is said to lengthen their husbands’ lives.


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