Rameswaram Narayana Bali Pooja Online Booking

Rameswaram Narayana Bali Pooja Online Booking Procedure

Ramanathaswamy Temple is a Hindu shelter committed to the god Shiva situated on Rameswaram island in the province of Tamil Nadu, India. It is likewise one of the twelve Jyotirlinga sanctuaries. It is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams, where three of the most respected Nayanars, Appar, Sundarar, and Tirugnana Sambandar, have celebrated the sanctuary with their tunes. The sanctuary was extended during the twelfth hundred years by the Pandya Dynasty, and its chief place of worship sanctum was revamped by Jeyaveera Cinkaiariyan and his replacement Gunaveera Cinkaiariyan, rulers of the Jaffna realm. Rameswaram temple is known for many rituals and traditions that are performed there. Narayana Bali is one of the most important rituals. Check below for Rameswaram Narayana Bali Pooja Online Booking Procedure.

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About Sri Rameswaram Temple:

Rameswaram arranged in Tamil Nadu State is likewise a famous Mukti Sthal for the Hindus performing hereditary rituals (functions) like Moksha Narayanabali Puja, VarshikSharddh (Barsi shradh), Masik Shraddhas, Mahalaya Amavasya Tarpanams or Mahalaya Pitru Paksha Shradh, Pind Daan, Pitru Paksha Shradh at Rameswaram, Pitru-Tarpanam and numerous other Shradh karmas. 

Rameswaram Narayana Bali Pooja Booking:

Moksha Narayanabali will be performed at Rameswaram Kshetra with the best Vedics. Moksha Narayanabali is performed for two days. The custom is performed by families to free the spirits of their left relatives who met a less than ideal passing. Moksha Narayanabali is performed for the quieting of the spirits of the left and to satisfy their longings and in this way address Pitru Dosha.

Narayanabali Puja is like that of the methods continued in a memorial service, wherein a counterfeit human body made from wheat flour is utilized. Mantras recited during the puja conjure the leftover cravings of the withdrawn spirits. It is accepted the custom permits them to have the fake body and the memorial service frees them to the next world.

Steps of Narayana Bali Pooja:

  1. Deha Shudhhi Vidhi is performed to make the body pious and Prayashcitta Vidhi is performed to remove all kinds of sins. Then Puja Yajman takes bath in the holy tank and wears new clothes.
  2. Each custom in Sanatan Dharma begins with Pradhan Sankalpa, Nyas, and Kalash pooja, then, at that point, the love of Lord Surya, Lord Ganesha, and Lord Shri Vishnu.
  3. Then, at that point, the love of the Five Gods, Lord Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh, Yama, and Tatpursha are performed with glorification. Icons of these five gods are introduced in five different pictures which are called Pran Pratishthapana.
  4. Agnisthapan, Purashasukta Havan, Ekadashi Vishnu Shraddha, Panchadevta Shraddha Balidan, palashvidhi, Pind Dan Parashar, and Dashant Karma are performed.
  5. Maikoddishta Shradhha, Masik Shradhha, Sapindi Shraddha, Nagbali prayashcitta Sankalpa, Nagabli Sankapla, Pranpratishthapana and custom of cobra or snake picture, asking of snake, penance and Nagdahan and Ashtabalidan and Pooja.
  6. During these means and customs, entertainers noticed the Ashauch or Sutak for a day and contact no one.


There is no official way to book pooja by the Temple Management. Once you can reach there on the time, they will guide you for further procedures. 

!!Om Namah Shivaya!!

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