Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices

See below for the Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices, APSRTC Tirupati to Tirumala Buses, Busstand Timings, Ticket Prices, And Latest Info Here.

Tirupati is a popular and world-famous religious Hindu Temple in India. This temple is Located in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh In India. Here Lord Balaji is the Main God who is the Incarnation of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu. Lord Balaji is Popularly known as Lord Venkateswara. Tirumala is a Hilltown located Around 22 km from Tirupati City. This Tirumala temple is most famous and is visited by thousands of people from all over India and the world every day. Let’s see below for the details of Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices here.

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Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices In Detail:

Tirumala is the most popular Devotional Temple and Pilgrim Center in India. There are many direct transport facilities to Tirupati and Tirumala from all over India. Indian Central and Andhra Pradesh State Governments took responsibility for the transportation to make facilitate the pilgrims who are visiting Tirupati. The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) runs regular bus services between Tirupati and Tirumala daily from 03 AM to Midnight 12 AM. In Tirumala Ghat, APSRTC Bus Journey is the safest Journey and risk-free journey.

The state-owned bus company, APSRTC, makes sure that visitors can get to Tirumala without any trouble by running a fleet of buses. The buses are a nice and safe way to get around, making it easy for followers to get to the holy mountain. The prices for APSRTC bus rides from Tirupati to Tirumala are made to fit the budgets of different travelers.

Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices and Busstand Details:

  • In Tirupati, There are direct buses to Tirumala from Tirupati APSRTC Bus Station.
  • Also, a Direct Bus facility is available from Tirupati Railway Station to Tirumala Temple.
  • Devotees can visit the APSRTC Bus Counter in Renigunta Airpot, to have tickets and visit Tirumala Directly.
  • Direct Busses are available from Renigunta Railway Station to Tirumala Temple.
  • In Tirumala, there are a number of free buses available to travel from one location to another free of cost.
  • Devotees can visit Tirumala by Eco-friendly Electric Buses also.
  • These Electric Buses are available from Tirupati Busstand, Railway Station, and Renigunta Railway Station to Tirumala.
  • Also, Devotees can visit Kapil Theertham Bus Stop for Buses
  • TTD Balaji Link Sustan is another Bus Station for Buses near Alipiri. Devotees can visit from here also.

The ticket price of Tirumala to Tirupati or Tirupati to Tirumala depends on the mode of the Trip. APSRTC provides one-way trip tickets and Round way Tickets to pilgrims. oneway Ticket means the ticket which is used to travel from Tirupati to Tirumala or Tirumala to Tirupati once only. Rounded way Ticket means the ticket which is valid to travel from Tirupati to Tirumala and Tirumala to Tirupati.

Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices:

The cost for Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus will be different for both adults and children. Also, this depends on the type of busses also. The complete details about the tickets are provided below.

Normal Bus Fare

  • To Adults One Way: Rs 90
  • To Children One Way: Rs 50
  • To Adults Round Way: Rs 160
  • To Children Round Way: Rs 90

Electric Bus Fare

  • To Adults Rs 100
  • To Children Rs 50

“This is the information about Tirumala to Tirupati APSRTC Bus Timings Ticket Prices and Details in Brief”


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